Environment risk assessment and issues with hydrocarbon and geotoxicological factors


  • Trinh Quoc Vinh
  • Sergey Yakutseny


hydrocarbon, analysis, risk, environment, geotoxicological factors


Our scientists recognize a disaster ecosystem as a result of changes in The geochemical composition of the Earth's biosphere. The paper aims to figure out What are issues of hydrocarbon and Geotoxicology and environment risk. By using descriptive method for primary model, synthesis methods and process analysis and analysis of difficulties and discussion, The study of this problem to some extent facilitates the extensive, although scattered and extremely heterogeneous analytical material in terms of the content of impurity elements in crude oil, refined products and gases accumulated over the years of exploration, production and disposal of hydrocarbons.




How to Cite

Vinh, T. Q., & Yakutseny, S. (2022). Environment risk assessment and issues with hydrocarbon and geotoxicological factors. International Journal of Civil, Mechanical and Energy Science, 8(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijcmes/article/view/5646