The Effect of Dysgraphia on the Students’ Mathematics Learning Results of Class IV at SD Negeri 173189 Sosorpahu Sub-district of Sipahutar North Tapanuli Regency in Academic Year 2018/2019


  • Taruly Tampubolon


Dysgraphia, Mathematics Learning, Tapanuli Regency


In learning, communication plays an important role. Therefore, communication indicates the level of a learning success of the children. By communication, a child is able to improve both the knowledge possessed and the knowledge learned. Without communication, the knowledge will never be obtained by children through learning. Writing, reading, listening and speaking are one component of communication that cannot be separated from one another. The research questions of this research are: (1) What factors are the cause of dysgraphia?; (2) Is there an effect of dysgraphia on students’ learning outcomes? (The influence here is seen / analyzed based on the results of students' answers on the answer-paper and the results of the interview. Analysis is carried out by triangulation) The research objectives are: (1) To examine the factors that cause dysgraphia; (2) To assess the effect of dysgraphia on students’ learning outcomes. The subjects of the research were grade IV students of SD Negeri No.173189 Sosorpahu sub-distric of Sipahutar North Tapanuli Regency in the Academic Year 2012/2013, while the objects were disgrapia and students’ results. The method used in data processing is triangulation of the 24 students who took the test, there were 5 students who made the most mistakes (almost all the questions were answered incorrectly). From the overall results of the interviews with the five students, it can be grouped into two parts that cause mistakes made in working on the problem / question given, namely the first error due to lack of vision and poor memory, while the second is an error due to lack of clear hearing. Dysgraphia influences student's learning outcomes.




How to Cite

Tampubolon, T. (2019). The Effect of Dysgraphia on the Students’ Mathematics Learning Results of Class IV at SD Negeri 173189 Sosorpahu Sub-district of Sipahutar North Tapanuli Regency in Academic Year 2018/2019. International Journal Of Chemistry, Mathematics And Physics(IJCMP), 3(4).