Growth response of pre-sprouted seedlings of sugarcane in the presence of the bacterium Herbarspirillum frisingense


  • Gabriel Vieira Reis
  • Susana Cristine Siebeneichler
  • Bruna Lazzaretti
  • Allan Sales De Sousa
  • Melkisedeck Almeida Resplandes
  • Raffael Batista Marques
  • Ádila Pereira De Sousa
  • Márcia Fernanda Rocha
  • Laina Pires Rosa
  • Magno De Oliveira


The objective was to evaluate the effect of bacterium Herbaspirillum frisingense on growth of the seedlings pre-sprouted from sugarcane. After you select the varieties of sugarcane, the necessary treatments of nodal segment obtained from reeds, to germinate and be transplanted to the cells half in soil substrate of gully and other half in soil ofgullies more Jatropha pie, where was subsequently applied doses of bacteria (9,33x107 Five months after this process, plants were harvested and evaluated the dry mass of shoot and root dry mass. Data were analyzed by Tukey, a 5%, where he met difference for root dry mass in relation to the presence of bacteria and to dry pasta from the shoot to the type of substrate. No statistical difference was observed between cultivars, even these being different cycles. In relation to interaction varieties vs. bacteria statistical difference was observed between the cultivars to root dry mass. The presence of the bacteria inside the plant tissues of seedlings of sugarcane was beneficial for the plant, promoting a greater root growth. The soil substrate of gully more Jatropha pie turned out better for the cultivars in general.




How to Cite

Reis, G. V., Siebeneichler, S. C., Lazzaretti, B., De Sousa, A. S., Resplandes, M. A., Marques, R. B., Sousa, Ádila P. D., Rocha, M. F., Rosa, L. P., & Oliveira, M. D. (2019). Growth response of pre-sprouted seedlings of sugarcane in the presence of the bacterium Herbarspirillum frisingense. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 4(5).