Microplastic in Cymodocea rotundata Seagrass Blades


  • Syeiqido Sora Datu
  • Supriadi Supriadi
  • Akbar Tahir


Abstract: Microplastic known to contaminate all ecosystem in the ocean , including seagrass bed. Leaf is one of the important parts of seagrass. The presence of ephibiont that attached to the surface of the seagrass leaves, causes the leaves’ surface texture becoming rough, enabling microplastic entrapped in it. To assess the extent of microplastic accumulation, seagrass samples were collected from Barrang Caddi Island. Of the 15 seagrass blades harvestedin Barrang Caddi Island, there are 23 total items of microplastic observed, comprises91% of microfibers and 9% were microfragments.




How to Cite

Sora Datu, S., Supriadi, S., & Tahir, A. (2019). Microplastic in Cymodocea rotundata Seagrass Blades. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 5(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijeab/article/view/1375