Effectiveness of tuba root extract (Derris elliptica L.) against pest antifeedant Silkworm Crocidolomiabinotalison Plant mustard (Brassicajuncea)


  • Alfrits Komansilan
  • Ni Wayan Suriani
  • Helen Joan Lawalata


Application of extract tuba root bioactive (Derris elliptica L.) as a natural insecticide on the Crocidolomiabinotalis caterpillar on mustard plants ( Brassica juncea L.) has been carried out. The test results indicate that there are differences in antifeedant activity of the Crocidolomiabinotalis caterpillar on mustard plants ( Brassicajuncea L.) which is significant (significant) at various levels of concentration. The research was carried out in several stages, starting from the tubal root extraction stage, phytochemical testing, preparation of caterpillar tests, testing of antifeedant activity. As the treatment is the level of methanol concentration of 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 500 ppm and 1000 ppm. The parameter observed was the percentage of Feeding Reduction (FR). The test results showed the antifeedant activity of Crocidolom he binotalis caterpillars, which is best at concentrations of 500 ppm and 1000 ppm because it is able to inhibit the feeding power or Feeding R eduction of caterpillars test 30.16% and 44.00 %




How to Cite

Komansilan, A., Suriani, N. W., & Lawalata, H. J. (2019). Effectiveness of tuba root extract (Derris elliptica L.) against pest antifeedant Silkworm Crocidolomiabinotalison Plant mustard (Brassicajuncea). International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 4(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijeab/article/view/879