Wildlife migration corridors from the Community Forest of Nafadji to the Boucle du Baoulé Biosphere Reserve


  • Hady Diallo
  • Coulibaly Ousmane
  • Yacouba Maiga
  • Aly Poudiougo


wildlife, diversity, Species group, habitat, Nafadji forest


Mali still has natural relics rich in fauna such as that of the Nafadji forest. The study aims to analyze the link between wildlife species and their habitat and to identify the migration corridors they follow. Kings' method was used to inventory the wildlife. The layout of the corridors was carried out both by visual observation of the wildlife and their signs of presence. A survey was carried out among the populations and the technical services to understand the movements of the fauna and the difficulties of management. A total of 366 individuals divided between 14 species, 10 families and 5 orders have been identified. The indirect gradient analysis applied to the matrix of 224 observations x 14 faunal species to understand the relationship between species and their habitats discriminated 4 groups: G1 consisting of Mellivora capenssis, Hystrix cristata, Papio anubis, Orycteropus afer, Tragélaphus scriptus, G2 including Erythrocebus patas, Redunca redunca, Sylvicapra grimmia, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, G3 represented Canis adustus, Gazella dorcas, Hippotragus equinus and G4 with Hyena hyena, Viverra civetta, Papio anubis. The analysis reveals that habitat and food factors condition the distribution of wildlife and their migration along the corridors. Controlling these factors is therefore essential for the effective management of wildlife and their habitat. The involvement of the Nafadji alone is not enough to ensure the protection of wildlife, but it will require close collaboration with the communities and all stakeholders in the forest and along the corridors.




How to Cite

Diallo, H., Ousmane, C., Maiga, Y., & Poudiougo, A. (2024). Wildlife migration corridors from the Community Forest of Nafadji to the Boucle du Baoulé Biosphere Reserve. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 9(1). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijeab/article/view/7014

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