Role of Women Development Fund on Growth of Women Owned Businesses


  • David Moturi Amos
  • Deusdedita Lutego


Development, fund, growth, business


The study intended to assess the role of Women Development Fund (WDF) on growth of women owned business in Tanzania. The study specifically assessed business activities of women funded through the WDF, WDF challenges, and examined the procedures used by women owning Business to access WDF. The study adopted a case study design, collected primary and secondary data through questionnaire, interviews and document review. SPSS v.20 was used for data analysis, where both the descriptive and inferential statistics methods were used to present the findings. Spearman correlation analysis was used to measure significance variables relationships between the dependent and independent across the women development fund if any. The study revealed a number of findings including that a large number of women are obstructed by social, family, and work challenges due to traditional values which limit their business growth and mobility. There were reported existence of unwarranted bureaucracy, inadequate understanding of the WDF policy difficulties in getting trustworthy members to join their groups, trust worthless of some beneficiaries to ensure monies land into safe hands. The WDF application processes are reported to be obscure, with several criticisms by many beneficiaries such failure to disburse the loans on time and at the applied amount to some groups, it has however not affected their business growth negatively. The identified success in WDF reported to be business expansion, growth and acquired ability to source abroad markets of their businesses, job creation, improved the individual life standards, increased their ability to pay for family necessities and construct their homes.




How to Cite

Amos, D. M., & Lutego, D. (2022). Role of Women Development Fund on Growth of Women Owned Businesses. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 6(2).