Gender Classification using SVM With Flask


  • Akhil Maheshwari
  • Dolly Sharma
  • Ritik Agarwal
  • Shivam Singh
  • Loveleen Kumar


Gender classification, Human Recognition, Facial Images, OpenCv, Image Processing


The main objective of this work is the uniting and streamlining of an automatic face detection application and recognition system for video indexing applications. Human identification means the classification of gender which can increase the identification accuracy. So, accurate gender classification algorithms may increase the accuracy of the applications and can reduce its complexity. But, in some applications, some challenges are there such as rotation, gray scale variations that may reduce the accuracy of the application. The main goal of building this module is to understand the values in image, pattern, and array processing with OpenCV for effective processing faces for building pipe-lining, SVM models.




How to Cite

Maheshwari, A., Sharma, D., Agarwal, R., Singh, S., & Kumar, L. (2021). Gender Classification using SVM With Flask. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computers, 6(3).