Millennial Neo-Negritude and Negritude in the Twentieth and the Twenty-First Century


  • Mariyam Alqahtani


The role of social media plays a big part in racial discrimination. It also plays a big role in the way in which victims of racism voice their opinions and change cultural and historical views around the globe. Through a literature microscope, the art in the twenty-first century has been tackling the barriers put on indigenous black art and black voices. This type of art entails movies, songs and social media platforms to upbring those discriminated against. Millennials have been using art across social media and medial platforms to take a stand and to come collectively in order to reconstruct their own voices on historical and current racial issues and to also create new ones.




How to Cite

Alqahtani, M. (2019). Millennial Neo-Negritude and Negritude in the Twentieth and the Twenty-First Century. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 4(4).