Bond to Bondage: Stolen Generation Musings in Sally Morgan’s My Place


  • Dr. S. J. Kala
  • R. Sri Vidhya


Australian Aboriginal literature is a new arena in Australia’s literary scenario. Aboriginal women’s writing has gained special credit in the recent years for its varied themes and concerns related to the indigenous studies. One such writer is Sally Morgan, a mixed-blood Australian whose works have gained immense credit in Australia’s literary world. Her maiden creation, My Place is both an autobiography and a testimonial writing on the Stolen Generation of Australia. The objective of this article is to identify the aborigines, and to trace the veiled history of the Australian Stolen Generation. It will also explore the bleak past of the afflicted inmates at the foster homes with reference to Daisy, Arthur and Gladys featuring in My Place. In the due course of the study the buried past of the Stolen Generation will not just be unearthed but the murky lives of the contemporary Australian aborigines will also be shed light on.




How to Cite

J. Kala, D. S., & Vidhya, R. S. (2019). Bond to Bondage: Stolen Generation Musings in Sally Morgan’s My Place. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 4(6).