Changeover of a Child into a Serial Killer Victimization of the Voiceless


  • Ramya S
  • Roshanara M. S.


Trauma can be encountered almost in all walks of life. When a person is denied of something or ill- treated by someone in the childhood the anger of the child is shown on someone. Mostly, on the ones that are weaker especially animals. In future this ill-treated child becomes a serial killer who incepts his off-centered mien by torturing and killing animals. Animal abuse takes place in all parts of the world, where animals are tortured cruelly and put to death for no reason. This paper tries to analyze the reasons behind a person who intentionally tortures animals.




How to Cite

S, R., & M. S., R. (2020). Changeover of a Child into a Serial Killer Victimization of the Voiceless. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(1).