Impact of Microfinancing in Nueva Ecija


  • Kim Edward S. Santos


There are significant disparities between ASEAN's ' business ' economies, both in the incidence of deprivation that could promote microfinance initiatives as a solution to disadvantage, and in the balance between private and public participation in the process.The study described the impact of Micro Financing to the business industry in terms of: Impact on per capita income, expenditure, and savings on business and family; Impact on other loans and personal savings; and Impact on the number of enterprises and employment. Survey questionnaire with liker-type scale questions were used in the study. The finding of the study in summary to the aspects is that there is a positive impact of microfinancing to Family and Business industry.




How to Cite

S. Santos, K. E. (2020). Impact of Microfinancing in Nueva Ecija. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(1).