Emergence of New Woman in Augusta Gregory’s Grania


  • Lekha Nath Dhakal


Freedom, New Woman, Patriarchy, Revolutionary.


This paper makes an attempt to discuss the idea of new woman in Augusta Gregory’s play, Grania by the application of the idea of different critics about new woman. Grania is one of the representatives of revolutionary play, which focuses on female’s individual desire rather than her submissive role. For Grania, the protagonists of the drama, gone are the days when women cries for their lost husband and lament upon being widow. She focuses that women can also remarry if they wish. By getting married with Finn after the death of Diarmuid, she proves her free will and her desire for power from every sides of life. She never surrendered in front of patriarchy, though many times it compelled her to do so. It is not the victory of only Grania but it is the victory of women’s movement. Individual freedom is the motto of her life and that individual freedom becomes collective freedom for all women. Grania’s courage, wisdom proves that she is a new woman emerged in the New Ireland.




How to Cite

Dhakal, L. N. (2020). Emergence of New Woman in Augusta Gregory’s Grania. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(1). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijels/article/view/1559