Legal Protection analysis trough Children’s Labor in Indonesia


  • Herlina Panggabean


Children Protection, Labors.


This study aims to find out the rules of laws on children Labors, laws protection on children in Indonesia labors, and what obstacles the realization and existence of laws protection on children labors.The findings of this study are expected to improve the knowledge of law, and specifically to be useful as a reference in comprehending the knowledge of regulations, and obstacles of laws protection on children labors in Indonesia, besides, the finding of this research are also expected to be useful as a reference for further other researches, and as a base alternative for government or lawyers in straightening up laws related to children as labors in Indonesia. The findings of this study are also expected to be published that the society gets the information in regulations, obstacles of laws on children labors. The research method of data collection was Library Research which; bases, conceptions, point of views, doctrines are derived in two main ways the references (general, and specific), as a first general point of references are lagislation, regulations, text books, and dictionaries, and as the second spesific references are journals, research reports,etc.




How to Cite

Panggabean, H. (2020). Legal Protection analysis trough Children’s Labor in Indonesia. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(1).