The position of women in the short stories, The Last Song and The Pot Maker, by TemsulaAo.


  • Rashmi Naik


Gender roles,TemsulaAo, The Pot Maker, The Last Song.


This article looks at how the northeastern literature presents the gender roles that are different from rest of the country using the works of TemsulaAo. The texts used here are The Pot Maker and The Last Song from her well known works ‘These Hills Called Home: Stories from a War Zone’. These are the short stories set in the northeastern region of the country where the characters go through a number issues ranging from gender inequality to cruelty imposed due to insurgency.




How to Cite

Naik, R. (2020). The position of women in the short stories, The Last Song and The Pot Maker, by TemsulaAo. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(1).