A Critical Study of Oedipus Rex and the identity of Women in Ancient Greece


  • Ainaab Tariq
  • Ravi Bhatt


Gender, Biasness, Society, Ancient Greece


Oedipus Rex, is an Athenian tragedy by Sophocles and was performed first around 429 B.C.Role of gender in society is as old as human society itself. In Oedipus Rex” a women named Jocasta is the main character and experiences all the complicated events of the female gender from her child hood throughout her life. She begins life as daughter of Menoeceus of Thebes and becomes the queen of the king (Laius).Moved by number of events like proclaiming and human weakness the play cross the climax. Besides the role of women in Greece is defined. Where the gender biasness is explained by certain events.




How to Cite

Tariq, A., & Bhatt, R. (2020). A Critical Study of Oedipus Rex and the identity of Women in Ancient Greece. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(2). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijels/article/view/1931