Attitudes and Self- Efficacy of Students toward Mathematics


  • Jay Ar I. Laranang
  • John Mark F. Bondoc


Attitudes, self-efficacy, motivation, self-confidence, enjoyment, value, performance


The study aimed to assess the attitudes and self-efficacy of junior high school students towards mathematics performance for the school year 2019-2020 using a descriptive-correlational survey research design. An adapted questionnaire was answered by 267 junior high school students. The data was statistically analyzed using mean, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Spearman Rho for the significance of p-value as statistical tools. The respondents’ first-quarter grade was described as approaching proficiency, which means students performed not very well in their mathematics performance. Attitudes of the respondents towards mathematics were evaluated in areas of self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation. Junior high school students had a moderately high level of self-confidence in mathematics and enjoyed studying mathematics. They had a high level of attitude in valuing mathematics as they believed mathematics is essential in everyday life, and it helps them develop the mind and teaches them to think. They also had a high level of attitude in terms of their enjoyment in learning mathematics subjects because they believe studying mathematics helps them with problem-solving in other areas it is useful. They also think that having a strong background in mathematics could help them in their professional life. The students had a moderately high level of attitudes in terms of motivation in learning mathematics as they feel nervous and makes them feel uncomfortable during mathematics class. Students’ self-efficacy in mathematics was moderately high because of the belief they will be able to use mathematics in future careers when needed. A significant relationship between students’ profile and their level of attitudes in self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation in learning mathematics was investigated. It was found out that respondents’ sex, most liked and disliked subject has a significant relationship with their self-confidence. Their value of mathematics was significantly related to their parents’ education, mothers’ occupation, parents’ monthly income, gadgets used in learning mathematics, and most liked the subject. Enjoyment in learning mathematics was significantly related to students’ daily allowance, devices used in learning mathematics, and most enjoyed subjects. Their motivation was significantly associated with their most liked subject. Profile variables of the students were correlated to their level of self-efficacy and mathematics performance. Among the profile variables, the most wanted subject was with a significant relationship with their self-efficacy. Simultaneously, mathematics performance was significantly related to their sex, parents’ education, mothers’ occupation, and gadgets used in learning mathematics. Attitudes of junior high school students towards mathematics were significantly correlated to their self-efficacy in mathematics. This study recommends that students may make some effort to improve their performance in mathematics. Their attitudes towards mathematics should be improved to enhance their self-confidence, motivation, and self-efficacy in mathematics.




How to Cite

I. Laranang, J. A., & F. Bondoc, J. M. (2020). Attitudes and Self- Efficacy of Students toward Mathematics. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(5).