Poetic Beauty of Sarojini Naidu’s Poetries


  • Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Manjhi


Nightingale of India, nature, Unconstrained comprehension, ecstasy, unequivocally


Sarojini Naidu, the nightingale of India, was a talented craftsman whose verse is unadulterated and loaded with extraordinary desire. She was acutely alive to all the delights and bounties of nature. She is captivated by the sights and sounds, hues and smells of common items. She has attempted to include all characteristic articles in her verse. She has composed sonnets on a wide range of trees, blossoms, fowls and seasons too. In her verse, there is finished congruity between man, nature and legend. Her sonnets uncover an unconstrained comprehension and significance of man's relationship with nature. Nature was a spring of unending ecstasy to her.' Nature has for quite some time been a wellspring of motivation to the artists to create their sonnets and has stayed as a compelling energizer to uncover their feelings recalled in serenity. The issues of contemporary Indian culture are unequivocally introduced through legends, images, and complex nature pictures. They have been enthused to set their renderings to the changes of the scene, the adjustments in season, to the tweeting of flying creatures, the murmuring of the honey bees, to the stirring sound of the leaves and any characteristic marvels around them. Nature and writing have consistently shared a cozy relationship as is proven in progress of artists and different scholars down the ages in practically all societies of the world.




How to Cite

Kumar Manjhi, D. M. (2020). Poetic Beauty of Sarojini Naidu’s Poetries. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijels/article/view/2556