Doris Lessing’s Socio- political Consciousness


  • Ms. Shikha Sharma
  • Dr. N. M. Shah


Lessing's Socio-political consciousness, Doris Lessing's socio-political, consciousness, Political consciousness in novels of Lessing, Social, consciousness of Lessing, Study of consciousness in Lessing's novel


Doris Lessing’s socio-political consciousness refers to liberal and progressive outlook on life. She also got interested in communist ideology and became politically involved like the intellectuals of Salisbury who were filled with Marxist idealism. She was impressed by the ideals of the Royal Air Force personals and she contact with them. She experienced the Second World War through her father as it was divided in two groups American and European block. The social and political changes in Great Britain gave rise to the myth of classlessness, which was widely accepted. Domestic peace, colonial retraction and the Cold War on international level, led to the de-politicization of intellectual life. Lessing was one of the founder members and helped organize the first march protesting against nuclear weapons. Her involvement with these developments was primarily as an increasingly well-established, even celebrated writer.




How to Cite

Sharma, M. S., & M. Shah, D. N. (2020). Doris Lessing’s Socio- political Consciousness. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(5).