Women Novelists and their Novels in the First Half of Twentieth Century


  • Dr. Pradnya s. Yenkar


For nearly a century and half- from Fielding to the last of the great Victorians- The English novel swept along on a tide of creative energy which reached full power in Dickens’s careless vitality and exuberance. Dickens neglected form and style because his need for utterance was so urgent. Later novelists, George Meredith and Henry James among them, had less to say and could afford time to say it more carefully and when after 1914, creative energy became still less abundant, disproportionate attention began to be given to theories of fiction. But other phases of the Twentieth-Century novel intervened. As the masculine force and creative energy died down among men writers, women seem to take those qualities. Women had written fine novels in the early years of the twentieth century.The present paper discusses the women novelist and their novels written in the first half of twentieth century. It also discusses various issues presented in their novels.




How to Cite

s. Yenkar, D. P. (2019). Women Novelists and their Novels in the First Half of Twentieth Century. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 4(4). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijels/article/view/273