The Educational Function of Chinese Folk Arts Exemplified by Shanxi Folk Kang Wei Paintings


  • Ji Lingzhu
  • Chang Xiaojun


Chinese folk arts, Shanxi Folk Kang Wei painting, educational function, aesthetic edification, moral education


Like other forms of art, the functions of Chinese folk arts fall into three categories: physical, social and personal. The physical function refers to the practical applications of folk arts in everyday life and productive activities, whereas the educational function operates in the social and personal categories. Shanxi folk Kang Wei painting, nurtured by the profound Yellow River Civilization, has been explored as an example in our research. The field investigation and document studies show that the paintings are mainly intended for the edification of the masses from the social and personal perspectives: informing the masses of the important events, conducting aesthetic and moral education, passing on Confucius personal virtues, maintaining family values, strengthening national spirit, regulating and guiding folk customs, although the physical function of the paintings is to keep the beddings clean from wall dust.




How to Cite

Lingzhu, J., & Xiaojun, C. (2021). The Educational Function of Chinese Folk Arts Exemplified by Shanxi Folk Kang Wei Paintings. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 6(1).