Intertextual: Novel Bumi Manusia by Pramodya Ananta Toer and Novel Sang Raja by Iksaka Banu


  • Nungki Dwi Rahayu
  • Suyitno Suyitno
  • Nugraheni Eko Wardani


hypogram, intertextual, literary, transformation


This study aims to describe the intertextual of Novel Bumi Manusia by Pramodya Ananta Toer and Novel Sang Raja by Iksaka Banu. This research used a descriptive qualitative method; it described the results of the analysis in words or sentences. Data collection used note-taking and documentary techniques by recording quotes or sentences in the text of the novel. The analysis technique used qualitative analysis described the analysis results in sentences, not in numbers. The data validation used two techniques. The first technique was the observer’s persistence to probe deeper into the analysis results to acquire more accurate results. And the second technique was triangulation; it was not using only one view but also several views to get the right result. The results found that there were similarities between the novel Bumi Manusia and Sang Raja. They had similarities in terms of themes, namely about the struggle in the colonial period. The second similarity was the characterization, where there was a similarity in the main character’s setting, while the additional characters appeared to have the same characteristics. The third similarity could be seen in the setting, the situation experienced by the main character of both novels was sadness. So it could be concluded that the novel Bumi Manusia was a hypogram text, and Sang Raja was a transformation text.




How to Cite

Rahayu, N. D., Suyitno, S., & Wardani, N. E. (2021). Intertextual: Novel Bumi Manusia by Pramodya Ananta Toer and Novel Sang Raja by Iksaka Banu. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 6(1).