Agility Social Innovation in an Islamic Perspective: A Literature Review


  • Mufti Agung Wibowo
  • Widodo Widodo
  • Moch. Zulfa


Sensuous Learning Organization, Agility, Social Innovation, Organizational Performance, Islamic Perspectives


Social innovation intersects with social interactions that must be aligned, for the implementation of new ideas and meeting common goals for generations. Social innovation introduces a new product, program or process that changes the basic routine, the flow of resources from the social system where innovation occurs. This study builds a new conceptual model from an Islamic perspective: tawazun values, balanced or balanced thinking in all things, which encourages thinking, produces something new that encourages innovation. The tawazun mind-set maintains faith in the Creator, develops science and society as a form of gratitude for the favors of reason in the form of thought patterns, attitude patterns, action patterns, as a gift from the Almighty, to improve the quality of human life.




How to Cite

Wibowo, M. A., Widodo, W., & Zulfa, M. (2021). Agility Social Innovation in an Islamic Perspective: A Literature Review. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 6(2).