Reflection of Spiritualism: An Interpretation of Vedanta by Max Mueller and Aurobindo


  • Dr. Suprita Jha


Spirituality, morality, scholarship, Vedanta, Knowledge, God, Mythology, Language.


The present proposal is an account of the lives of two men who were scholars and thinkers at the same time. I do not think that a man is entitled to such titles only on the strength of his position and fame in his own age, unless in addition he played so important and significant a role in history that he remains an element to be reckoned with in understanding the continuing evolution of a particular people or humanity in general. Max Mueller’s position was very impressive in its geographical range, extending from the United States to Japan. When he died, a message came from an Indian Social reformer, Malabari, “All India mourns with you” and that embodied the feelings of all educated Indians. Similarly, Sri Aurobindo was not just a poet or a singer of songs, he was as well a dramatist, a critic and a thinker of great distinction. He is remembered in modern times, more as a great philosopher than as an artist. Sri Aurobindo was a highly educated person, he was a great scholar of such classical languages as Latin and Greek. It is in respect of his scholarship and poetic craftsmanship that he is often compared with John Milton. In the present paper, I plan to explore the mystery and suggestive quality of both these writers which stand for the betterment of human race. And I also propose the techniques by which they have opened the gate of spirituality for everyone. I really appreciate their scholarships that would be exemplary for the contemporary world and for the coming generation.




How to Cite

Jha, D. S. (2021). Reflection of Spiritualism: An Interpretation of Vedanta by Max Mueller and Aurobindo. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(6).