Beauty Vs Duty: A Comparative Study of Robert Frost and W. H. Davies


  • K. Sudha Rani


Beauties and duties, realistic, mundane and routine chore.


The purpose of this research paper is to focus and analyse on the conflict while choosing between beauties of nature and duties of an individual, of which should be given more importance and prominence. This paper is mainly intended to bring out the similarities and differences of opinion and views of both Robert Lee Frost and William Henry Davies towards beauties and duties, in their respective poems Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and Leisure. The reason for comparing the two poems of these poets is due to their outlook not only towards nature and beauties around but also the mundane and routine chores of man. Most of the themes in their poetry dealt with realistic life and situations familiar to the common man. Both the poets are eminent, well-reputed and widely accepted by the common readers of English poetry.




How to Cite

Rani, K. S. (2022). Beauty Vs Duty: A Comparative Study of Robert Frost and W. H. Davies. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 7(2).