Statelessness, Politics of Self and Other, Gender Battle, Issue of Species Superiority, International Politics, Marginalized Voices and A Comparative Analysis of Al-Hakim’s Egypt and Today’s Egypt in Fate of a Cockroach


  • Partha Sarathi Mandal


Fate of a Cockroach (1973) brilliantly portrays statelessness, policy paralysis, lethargy in taking effective decision, overpowering clutches of a self-declared cockroach King who is unable to take any decision in order to eliminate the threats coming from the ants vis-à-vis this play also showcases a struggle for survival. The cockroach’s tireless fight for freedom is inspiring for us because life is not a bed of roses; it is full of challenges and pricks. If a ruler fails to lead his nation he is not eligible for the post. Individualistic cockroaches stand in complete opposite to the ants who believe in the mantra of collective efforts. Today’s Egypt also under the presidency of Sisi desperately needs peace and stability because Sisi is accused of his authoritarian and dictatorial leadership and failed economic policy. The cockroach Queen and Samia - both appear to me as powerful female characters who are not ready to be dominated by their husbands. On the other hand, they have thrown a challenge to the phallocentric monopoly of our patriarchal society where women are pushed at the periphery and phallus is in the centre. Al-Hakim deserves our kudos because he has vividly sketched the various agathokakological entities of our life through the portrayal of lawlessness, failed state machinery, parasitic leeches who like to eat fig in galore after carrying coals to Newcastle, Self/Other, Centre/Periphery politics etc.




How to Cite

Mandal, P. S. (2019). Statelessness, Politics of Self and Other, Gender Battle, Issue of Species Superiority, International Politics, Marginalized Voices and A Comparative Analysis of Al-Hakim’s Egypt and Today’s Egypt in Fate of a Cockroach. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 4(1).