Extrasensory perception as an instrument for good or Evil a study of Royver’s I see things others do not see and the claw, the tail and the cross


  • Isaac- Agbontai Etunim Catherine


paranormal, parapsychology, supernatural, abilities


Man as a generic being has always believed that there was to more to the physical world in which he exists. One of the phenomenon that has concretized this belief, is the ability of certain people, regardless of sex or age to manifest powers beyond the ability of the five senses. In most primitive societies, these people have always been regarded as special. They are readily used in their communities as mediums between this physical world and the spirit world. However, not all of such power holders were considered beneficial as a result of carrying out unwholesome activities that were considered evil for example, witches. These, were many times, feared and ostracised. In modern times, these power holders have lost the glitz and attention they enjoyed in the African traditional religion. They have practically gone under. Without the direct scrutiny of the society which would include the Government, religious bodies, or the police, they are now left to themselves to choose whatever they wanted to do with their powers. In this work, we are able to follow the activities of these power holders as they decide whether to use these powers, to benefit their world, or cause more chaos. We then come to the startling conclusion that it is not the supernatural power or any other kind of power itself that has potential evil but the power holders themselves who driven by power, survival, fear or love can use such uncanny powers for good or evil




How to Cite

Agbontai Etunim Catherine, I.-. (2022). Extrasensory perception as an instrument for good or Evil a study of Royver’s I see things others do not see and the claw, the tail and the cross. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 7(4). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijels/article/view/5330