Pragmatic Analysis of Implicitness in Surat Al-Fajr in the Glorious Quran


  • Zainab Jalel Ibrahim Ali-Khan
  • Abbas Lutfi Hussien


Pragmatic Analysis, Veurchueren’s model, Glorious Quran


Communicatively, it is unexpected that an utterance has only an explicit meaning that the speaker intends to convey. Actually, each utterance in addition to explicit meaning conveys a meaning that the speaker intends to mean implicitly. This paper aims to limit the scope of implicitness shedding the light on its types and the reasons that lead the speaker to hide part of his/her meaning. Veurchueren’s model of types of implicit meaning (1999) is adopted to account for the analysis of the data which involve ten extracts taken from Surat (Al-Fajr) سورة الفجر, to be interpreted in terms of implicitness types and reasons. The data analysis is carried out qualitatively through satisfactory explanation and directed to quantitatively decipher them through percentages explicated by the table. This paper concludes that politeness and humor are the social aspects that are utilized to express implicitness and presupposition is the main tool to indicate implicitness




How to Cite

Jalel Ibrahim Ali-Khan, Z., & Lutfi Hussien, A. (2022). Pragmatic Analysis of Implicitness in Surat Al-Fajr in the Glorious Quran. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 7(4).