The Ongoing Conflict between the Common Folk and the Prevailant Status-Quo in Ashfaque Ahmed’s the Shepherd


  • Muhammad Asad Obaid


Conflict, Sub-continental common, folk, Establishment


The literature of the pre-partition era will remain incomplete without the mention of the word conflict as it defines that bloody period of history. Much has been written on the themes of the pre-partition and post-partition period. Among the domineering themes of that era,bloodshed,slavery and poverty stand out. During this period,a whole galaxy of stars was ever present as far as the artistic landscape of the Indian sub-continent is concerned. Especially the role of the Progressive Movement was note-worthy as they provoked the masses for independence. With the tragedy of the event, thjs fervour declined as folks and members of the establishment were locked in an ongoing tussle for control which remained the focus of post-partition Pakistani prose.Given these outlining details,the paper aims to excavate and probe into the conflicts qqqqbetween the common folk and the existinvg establishment or status-quo in Ashfaque Ahmed’s famous short-story The Shepherd. For this purpose, the paper would make use of textual references and critical articles. Historical record would also be utilised as the research has its roots from the on-going capitalist-communist struggle. The research would help us understand the theme in depth and would explore new avenues for research




How to Cite

Asad Obaid, M. (2022). The Ongoing Conflict between the Common Folk and the Prevailant Status-Quo in Ashfaque Ahmed’s the Shepherd. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 7(6).