Theoretical Representation of Ecocriticism in Dhruv P Bhatt’s Oceanside Blues


  • Rima B Soni
  • Dr. Vidya G Rao


Ecocriticism, Oceanside Blues, Dhruv Bhatt, Environmental Issues


Dhruv P Bhatt, who is excellent in Gujarati language and literature, is one of the foremost pioneers of impudent ecocritical issues in narratives in Gujarati literature. Contemporary accomplishments of Gujarati literature are depicted in Bhatt’s Samudrantike, written in the Gujarati language in the foundation stage. Subsequently, the text was translated into English as Oceanside Blues by Vinod Meghani in 2013. The focus of the novel offered is set against the background of his own experience. The present paper titled, “Theoretical Representation of Dhruv P Bhatt’s Oceanside Blues seems to explore the theory of ecocriticism, environmental problems, importance of coastal area of Gujarat, sea, festivities related to Gujarati Khaarava’ as well as culture and taboos of Guajarati maritime community with the variegated characteristics  




How to Cite

B Soni, R., & G Rao, D. V. (2023). Theoretical Representation of Ecocriticism in Dhruv P Bhatt’s Oceanside Blues. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 8(2).