A Discourse on Diaspora: Exploring Identity and Alienation in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth


  • Yogesh Kumar
  • Prof. Gunjan Sushil


Diaspora, Identity, Alienation, Assimilation, Bengali, Immigrant, Cultural Displacement, Unaccustomed Earth


Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth (2008) is a collection of short stories that explores the experiences of immigrants and their descendants in the United States, particularly those of Bengali origin. This research paper critically examines the diasporic discourse of identity and alienation in Lahiri's work. Through a close analysis of selected stories from Unaccustomed Earth, this paper delves into the themes of cultural displacement, the search for identity, and the feeling of alienation among the characters. It also explores how these themes are intricately connected with the characters' diasporic experiences and the challenges they face in navigating their dual identities as immigrants or children of immigrants in a foreign land. The paper argues that Lahiri's portrayal of diasporic experiences reflects the complexities and nuances of the immigrant identity, the sense of unbelonging, and the constant negotiation between the old and new worlds. Moreover, it highlights how Lahiri's work engages with the tensions and conflicts that arise from the clash of cultural norms, the longing for home, and the struggle to reconcile with one's past while embracing the present.




How to Cite

Kumar, Y., & Sushil, P. G. (2023). A Discourse on Diaspora: Exploring Identity and Alienation in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 8(2). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijels/article/view/6254