Mobile Empowerment: Enhancing Education and Connectivity for College Students


  • M. Tamilarasi


Mobile phone usage, college students, benefits, communication, convenience


Mobile phone usage among college students aged 18 and above, offers various benefits. Firstly, mobile phones provide convenient communication tools, allowing students to stay connected with peers, family, and faculty. Additionally, access to vast information through the internet aids research and learning beyond the classroom. Educational apps and resources enhance learning experiences and foster creativity. However, several issues accompany mobile phone use. Distraction from notifications, social media, and addictive nature can hinder academic performance. Excessive screen time may negatively impact physical and mental health, leading to sedentary lifestyles and mental health concerns. Misuse can result in cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and privacy risks. To address these concerns, establishing guidelines and educating students on responsible usage is crucial. Implementing policies that regulate usage during instructional time helps minimize distractions and promote focused learning environments.




How to Cite

Tamilarasi, M. (2023). Mobile Empowerment: Enhancing Education and Connectivity for College Students. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 8(3).