Overview of Feminism Translation Theories in Western Countries and China


  • Wu Jun


feminist translation theory, cultural diversity, localization, Western and Chinese contexts


This study aims to explore the development of feminist translation theory in both Western and Chinese contexts, as well as its significance in translation studies and society at large. Feminist translation is inseparable from the backdrop of the feminist movement and its relationship with language, where language plays a pivotal role in constructing social roles, highlighting the close relationship between feminism and translation. The paper not only emphasizes the contributions of Western feminist translators such as Flotow and Simon but also analyzes the dissemination and developmental trajectory of feminist translation theory in China. It delineates the characteristics and impacts of different developmental stages. The radical nature and cultural diversity inherent in feminist translation theory result in varied developmental processes across different countries. Overall, this theory continues to evolve, warranting a dialectical perspective, and the process of localizing feminist translation theory in China presents both challenges and potentials, offering new perspectives for further research.




How to Cite

Jun, W. (2023). Overview of Feminism Translation Theories in Western Countries and China. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 8(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijels/article/view/6683