Racial explosion in post war era: In aspect of Doris Lessing’s narratives


  • Dr. Priyanka Mishra


Racism, liberating goals, economic and political power.


This paper will run the eye over racism and the way in which it revolves round in Lessing’s narratives. It will also share the movements of racial war, which begin from Africa and then spread all over Europe. However, white government in which they prohibited from participating ruled the Africans. It was only the whites that were allowed voting and electing the leaders for Rhodesia. Evidently, racism in Southern Rhodesia had more of a systematic cause as its roots lay in powerful combination of ideology. Doris Lessing had to escape the society based on unequal opportunities thus, in 1949; she left Rhodesia and moved to England. It is important to note that; Although Doris Lessing has lived in England since 1949, she is considered an African author because the twenty-five years she spent growing up on a small farm in what was then Southern Rhodesia had such an impact on her writing. (Sizemore 282) Doris May Lessing, the victim of post-war racial exploitation, has have her individual opinion about the particular movement of racism in the post-war era. She performed her duty less as a writer and more as an architect. In fact, Lessing offers a harsh comment of the prejudicial attitudes, which maintain inequalities of the racist-oriented society. As a woman writer, she writes about her diverse culture which encourages her to create the literary work for diverse purpose thus she achieve liberating goals. It is evident how racism in Southern Rhodesia has more of a systematic cause as its roots lay in a powerful combination of ideology. Therefore, that it is necessary to define the word ‘Racism’ literally. Racism is a word that touches human basic sense of right and wrong and arouses strong emotions in them. It is a word, which is applied is only to action by people who hold and use economic and political power to control or oppress another racial group. Different people have the different opinion about racism. This concept includes so many other thoughts along with its main doctrine. Conceptually, Racism is an ideology; a doctrine that calls for supports for the domination or oppression of one race by another.




How to Cite

Mishra, D. P. (2022). Racial explosion in post war era: In aspect of Doris Lessing’s narratives. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 7(2). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijels/article/view/4776