Contribution of “Umugoroba w’Ababyeyi” Programme (UAP) or Parents’ Sunset Meeting to the Reduction of Family Conflicts in Rwanda: Case Study of Cyanika Sector, Nyamagabe District (2016-2019)


  • Théoneste Nsabimana
  • Innocent Rutsibuka


Umugoroba w’ Ababyeyi Programme (UAP), Family Conflicts, Rwanda National Women Council (NAWOCO), Gender Equality, and Local Community.


The research was dealing with the topic entitled Contribution of “Umugoroba w’Ababyeyi” Programme (UAP) or Parents’ Sunset Meeting to the Reduction of Family Conflicts in Rwanda: Case Study of Cyanika Sector in Nyamagabe District (2016-2019). This period of time has been chosen following two major reasons. Firstly, a 4-year implementation of “Umugoroba w’Ababyeyi” Programme was long enough to record meaningful results within this local community. Secondly, to investigate into the recent results of UAP in the field under study. The study has intended to answer the research question like: Did “Umugoroba w’Ababyeyi” Programme (UAP) or Parents’ Sunset Meeting contribute to the reduction of family conflicts in Cyanika Sector of Nyamagabe District during the period of 2016-2019. This study is both quantitative and qualitative approaches and data from the sample of 99 respondents have been collected by using questionnaire, interview as well as the literature review to track information from existing relevant researches related to the topic under study. According to 73% up to 91% respondents the major causes of family conflicts in the study area were, among others: lack of frank and regular face-to-face communication between the couples, financial issues, conjugal infidelity, mismanagement of family material property, and parental roles-related issues. In addition, a vast range of 36% up to 92% respondents have pointed out some major consequences of family conflicts like: wasting family resources, conjugal infidelity, lack of trustfulness and confidentiality , teenage pregnancies and delinquency in children, sexual transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS contamination, imprisonment, low school performance, school dropout, and increased absenteeism in children. Furthermore, a high range of 81% to 99% respondents have recognized some major outcomes of “Umugoroba w’ Ababyeyi” Programme (UAP) such as: Creation of favorable conditions for sharing family experiences, achieving reconciliation and unity in many conflicting families, organizing a regular follow-up to support the families recently reconciled, visiting and advising in confidentiality families still in conflict, and discussing different topics related to the socio-economic development in their local community such as: domestic violence, teenage pregnancies, children abuse, school dropout, creation of cooperatives or self-help groups. However, a very significant range of 78% up to 97% respondents have indicated some important challenges impeding UAP like moderate participation of the Village members in the meeting, repeated individual absences due to job constraints, lack of financial means and logistic challenges and resistance to change in many parents still supporting traditional patriarchal attitudes. And the study recommends further researches like: Contribution of increased participation of local community members in enhancing improved outcomes of UAP; and impact of well-designed sensitization approaches on reducing the resistance to social change within the rural local community.




How to Cite

Nsabimana, T., & Rutsibuka, I. (2022). Contribution of “Umugoroba w’Ababyeyi” Programme (UAP) or Parents’ Sunset Meeting to the Reduction of Family Conflicts in Rwanda: Case Study of Cyanika Sector, Nyamagabe District (2016-2019). International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS), 7(2).