Interaction of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen and Feed Energy on Growth Performance of All Male Tilapia Fingerlings


  • Adams T. E.
  • Yakubu A. F.
  • Eke M.
  • Okabe O. R.
  • Usulor A. F.
  • Nwangwu M.C.
  • Nwefia E. J.


This study was conducted to evaluate the interaction of dissolved oxygen, temperature and feed in fibre glass tanks of all male tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). It was conducted between August 2017and February 2018 at the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research Sapele out station Sapele. Nine circular fibre glass tanks were used in the experiment.All experimental tanks were identical in shape and size. Tanks capacities were 3.08m3 and depth of 60.5cm each and diameter 176.78cm.Sex reversed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) of 0.80g average size was stocked in triplicates. The treatments were dried chicken manure only, dried chicken manure plus commercial diet (coppens) and commercial diet (coppens) only as control.Three hundred (300) fish were stocked in each tank. Fish were fed at 800hr and 1600hr with dried chicken manure only, chicken manure with coppens and coppens only.. The feeding rate was 5% of the total fish biomass presented in each tank. Data collected were subjected to statistical test using analysis of variance (ANOVA).Test of temperature and dissolved oxygen were taken between 0800 to 1600 hour biweekly using (AMT08 PEN TYPE DO METER) according to Boyd (1992).Results indicated that ponds fed with coppens only performed better but not significant at (P<0.05). The regression equation also indicated that all the tanks are highly correlated and they interacted with each other, temperature also have effect on the dissolved oxygen in the fibre tanks.





How to Cite

T. E., A., F., Y. A., M., E., O. R., O., A. F., U., M.C., N., & E. J., N. (2019). Interaction of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen and Feed Energy on Growth Performance of All Male Tilapia Fingerlings. International Journal of Forest, Animal and Fisheries Research, 3(3).