Proximate Analysis of Bait Polychaetes from Port Dickson, Malaysia as Prospectus Replacement for Aquaculture Feed


  • Sivathass Bannir Selvam


Bait polychaetes, Perinereis quatrefagesi, Halla parthenopeia, Diopatra neapolitana, Marphysa mossambica, SGR, FCR


Bait polychaete worms were obtained from areas around Port Dickson coasts of Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus in Malaysia. There were four species of bait polychaete species used in this study Perinereis quatrefagesi, Halla parthenopeia, Diopatra neapolitana, and Marphysa mossambica. These polychaete species were subjected to lipid, protein, water, carbohydrate, and ash content analysis. The lipid contents in polychaete were determined using Soxhlet analysis. The protein contents were determined using Kjeldahl analysis. The water and ash content were determined by using the oven drying method. Marphysa mossambica has the highest percentage of lipid as much as 27.98. Diopatra Neapolitana has the highest protein content in their body, as much as 51.87% and followed closer by Marphysa mossambica as much as 51.14% respectively. The highest carbohydrate content was found in the polychaete species Perinereis quatrefagesi, as much as 24.61%. The highest ash content was found in Diopatra neapolitana yet Marphysa mossambbica has comparatively high ash content as well as much as 3.12% compared to 3.24% in Diopatra neapolitana. Similar pattern as in ash content can be seen for water content as well. Diopatra neapolitana has the highest percentage of water as much as 71.38% and followed closer by Marphysa mossambica with water content as much as 70.23%. The biochemical composition in polychaete species varies because of species size, feeding biology, habitat and environmental factor as well. The biochemical composition within species also shows a constant composition even though it varies in terms of value.




How to Cite

Selvam, S. B. (2021). Proximate Analysis of Bait Polychaetes from Port Dickson, Malaysia as Prospectus Replacement for Aquaculture Feed. International Journal of Forest, Animal and Fisheries Research, 5(1).