Exchange Rate of Fishermen Business Fishing in Kalinaun Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency


  • Christian Ronald Dien
  • Negotiable Elvis Bataragoa
  • Victoria EN Manoppo


Fishing Line, Kalinaun Village, Fisherman's Exchange Rate


Kalinaun Village is one of the villages located in East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Fisherman. The analysis used in this research is a descriptive quantitative analysis and descriptive qualitative. The economic situation in the form of fishing rods owned by fishermen in Kalinaun village is their own. The initial capital of Rp. 10,000,000 – Rp. 15,000,000 with a percentage of 80 %. the largest investment cost spent on the purchase of a rainbow boat was Rp. 7,500,000, - with a percentage of 70.09% of the total investment cost and the smallest cost for the purchase of a catinting machine was Rp. 3,200,000, - with a percentage of 29.91%. Fishermen go to sea also vary between 1 – 6 times a week, but on average 4 times a week go to sea. Their income as fishermen is only Rp. 48,000,000 in a year. The profit rate in a year is Rp. 41.930.000, - is the profit earned and can be used for saving or making/procuring new fishing units. The caught fish are marketed to the Girian Village or some consumers come to the fish landing site/beside the beach.




How to Cite

Dien, C. R., Bataragoa, N. E., & Manoppo, V. E. (2022). Exchange Rate of Fishermen Business Fishing in Kalinaun Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency. International Journal of Forest, Animal and Fisheries Research, 6(5).