Resilience of riparian populations of the Agoua and Toui-Kilibo classified forests in Benin to the impacts of climate change


  • Etienne Akakpo
  • Sébastien Kouta
  • Romaric Ogouwale
  • Mama Sani Issa
  • Ibouraïma Yabi
  • Euloge Ogouwale
  • Brice Tente


Resilience, impacts of climate change, Adaptation, priority options, Agoua, Toui-Kilib protected forest


This research aims to strengthen the resilience of populations living along the Agoua and Toui-Kilibo protected forests. Its main aim is to analyze the adaptation measures used by the riparian populations and propose actions to strengthen their resilience. Data were collected from semi-structured individual interviews with each head of household or his/her sponsor in his/her household or field or plantation within and/or around the CF. Focus group interviews with key informants (between 05 and 13 participants representing the diversity of socio-professional or socio-cultural groups and gender-sensitive) were also conducted in riparian communities and within the CF. This data was collected through the QField application. The resulting database was transferred to the Excel spreadsheet for clearing and processing. For the processing of these data several parameters were calculated, in particular the importance value (IV), the response rate at the level of each respondent. In addition, the resilience of populations was assessed. To this end, the proposal for options to improve the resilience of communities bordering the Agoua and TK forests is based on the Multidimensional Resilience Index (MRI). For the calculation of resilience the basic variables are grouped into a set of actions which are themselves grouped into a set of seven (7) options. The various shares have been converted into indices called “core indices” and are calculated and obtained at the level of each option. Option-level indices are also calculated taking into account the indices previously calculated at the equity level. Finally, the Multidimensional Resilience Index is obtained by calculating the weighted arithmetic average of the indices calculated at the option level. The options that have attracted community attention are sustainable land management (4.1), and capacity building (3.89). These two options scored substantially 4, which shows that the communities are resilient. Improved social and cultural living conditions (3.33) can also strengthen the resilience of communities. Environmental protection, organizational level, institutional support and the creation of economic activities have a score ranging from 2 to 2.83. Actions to implement the priority options for adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change will reduce the vulnerability of the populations living near Agoua and Toui-Kilibo protected forests.




How to Cite

Akakpo, E., Kouta, S., Ogouwale, R., Issa, M. S., Yabi, I., Ogouwale, E., & Tente, B. (2023). Resilience of riparian populations of the Agoua and Toui-Kilibo classified forests in Benin to the impacts of climate change. International Journal of Forest, Animal and Fisheries Research, 7(3).