Evolution of soil fertility of two experimental plots under Lippia multiflora (Verbenaceae) culture in Côte d'Ivoire


  • Kouamé Antoine N’GUESSAN
  • Konan Alphonse ALUI
  • Krogba Yves NANGAH
  • Essoh Marcelin-Clément KIRIOUA


The development of a growing system involves knowledge of soil quality and key aspects relating to planting density among others. In general, the understanding and definition of sustainable soil fertility management practices is necessary in enabling better use of soil resources and ultimately improvement of crop productivity. This study was conducted in the communities of Toumodi and Azaguie to assess the influence of The Lippia multiflora culture on the initial soil characteristics depending on the study site and planting density. At each of the study sites and ten (10) months after planting, twelve (12) pedoological pits, 60 cm x 50 cm x 60 cm, were opened in the immediate environment of the Lippia multiflora plants, at the plots of density treatments 4444 plants.ha-1, 20000 plants.ha-1 and 40,000 plants.ha-1, at the rate of three (3) profiles per treatment. A total of thirty-two (32) composite soil samples were collected per study site at the level of the different treatments, i.e. sixteen (16) samples per layer considered, equivalent to four (4) samples per treatment. The results obtained indicate that; after ten (10) months of cultivation, there was at the 0 - 20 cm layers of the soil, of each of the experimental plots, a decrease in the content of clay, organic matter and basic cations as well as acidification soil with planting density, particularly at the Azaguié experimental site. Most of the roots are found in the 0-30 cm layer. The results of this study will play a key role in coming up with technical innovations aimed at improving soil fertility management and agronomic performance of Lippia multiflora-based cultivation system development.





How to Cite

N’GUESSAN, K. A., ALUI, K. A., NANGAH, K. Y., & KIRIOUA, E. M.-C. (2019). Evolution of soil fertility of two experimental plots under Lippia multiflora (Verbenaceae) culture in Côte d’Ivoire. International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food Science, 3(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijhaf/article/view/1073