Review on the Cause and Effects of Recurrent Drought on Ethiopian Agriculture Productivity


  • Sena Amsalu


Drought occurs in virtually all climatic zones, but its characteristics vary significantly from one region to another. Ethiopia characteristically sees three seasons of varying amounts of rainfall. The central western regions getting a sufficient amount of rain during the rainy season, but the rest of the country, especially towards the horn being very dry for most time of the year. This also leads that some parts of regions of Ethiopia severely affected by recurrent drought. Recurrent drought caused by deforestation, high population growth, land degradation and soil erosion which intern affect agriculture include crop losses, lower yields in both crop and livestock production, increased livestock deaths and generally it may bring economic, environmental, and social impacts. Different efforts are made by policy maker and government to reduce or mitigate the impact of drought but still the impact is there thus this review show the gap.





How to Cite

Amsalu, S. (2019). Review on the Cause and Effects of Recurrent Drought on Ethiopian Agriculture Productivity. International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food Science, 3(5).