Review on Consumer Preference of Milk and Milk Product in Ethiopia


  • Malefiya Ebabu Tekea


Consumer preference, milk and milk product


The aim of this review was to assesses consumer preferences and its determinates towards milk and milk product in Ethiopia. To do this review secondary data such as books, journals, and domestic and foreign published articles were used. According to different past studies result fresh milk, traditional butter, butter milk, cottage cheese, whey and ghee were the common products which consumed frequently in almost all part of the country. Fresh milk was the most preferable product in the country as compared to others due to high fat content, availability, taste and lower price. The review indicates that better educated household head, higher income households, younger and female household head and people who agree with “unpacked and unprocessed milk is not healthy” consume more packed and processed /pasteurized / milk than do others. Generally, consumer preference towards milk and milk product were significantly dependent on demographic, socioeconomic and psychological characteristics of household as well as market mixed variables includes product characteristics, pricing strategies, packaging, Promotion and place factors. thus, it is recommended that, milk producing and processing companies need to design better pricing, promotion and advertising strategies for different milk product consumption to attract consumers.




How to Cite

Tekea, M. E. (2021). Review on Consumer Preference of Milk and Milk Product in Ethiopia. International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food Science, 5(2).