Maharishi Dayanand and Women's Education: Condition and Direction


  • Pooja Mangal


Puranas, Hinduism, Vedas, history of India


In view of the predominance of opposing views for women's education in Hindu society, she did not do any work in this direction. In the latter half of the 19th century, when Maharishi Dayanand appeared in the field of female education, women were confined to domestic work only.Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati had an unprecedented contribution in the Indian religious reform movements. the Maharishi gave the result that in ancient times, not only the women of Brahma Vidya, but the women of the princes of Aryavarta also received the education of Dhanurveda. From these examples, Maharishi Dayanand was in support of giving two types of education to women - first general and second special. The first type of education was of grammar etc., similar to that of men.





How to Cite

Mangal, P. (2022). Maharishi Dayanand and Women’s Education: Condition and Direction. International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, 2(1).