The role of genetic factors in Hypertension among Iraqi citizens


  • Khaleel Ibrahim Ismael
  • Suhair Sadai Mahmood
  • Abbas Abdul Wahhab Jumaah
  • Ban Thabit Saeed
  • Luai Farhan Zghair


Arterial, Hypertension, Patients, Genetic, Family History, BMI


In this study, 140 patients were collected, and they were divided into two groups (120 patients and 30 control groups). The average age in this study ranged from 25 to 65 years. This paper aims to know the role of genetic factors in hypertension among Iraqi citizens and. This study was designed through cooperation with the hospital for the purpose of withdrawing the information found in the electronic record to patients, which includes primary information from demographic data (age - gender - body mass index - blood samples - smoking - alcohol - clinical history - genetic history and blood pressure. The data and demographic information related to the patients were analysed by relying on the statistical analysis program IBM soft SPSS 22. The results that were found were a collection of 140 patients (no positive result for 30 patients) (and 120 patients with a positive result), and the statistical value and the mean for the age of the patients was 45.2±15.3 as was done. Proportion of Family History with Hypertension patients and patient distribution (parents for 90 patients with 64.2% - siblings for 28 patients with 20% - offspring for 32 patients with 22.8%. Through the statistical analysis, a statistically significant relationship was found between genetic factors and their effect on arterial hypertension, with a p-value of 0.001.




How to Cite

Ismael, K. I., Mahmood, S. S., Jumaah, A. A. W., Saeed, B. T., & Zghair, L. F. (2022). The role of genetic factors in Hypertension among Iraqi citizens. International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research, 6(6).