Study on Knowledge& Practice of WASH among Under 5 Children's Mother in Rural Community of Bangladesh


  • Kuddus Mohammad Abdul
  • Shaikh Md. Abdul Hamid
  • Sarder Md. Mohsin Ali
  • Hoque Md. Hafiz Ehsanul


Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Knowledge & Practice, Household environment


Water, sanitation and hygiene is still a burning issue in the context of developing countries like Bangladesh as many diseases related to it and causing significant child’s death. The study helps to assess the knowledge & practice of mothers having under 5 children in Sylhet district of Bangladesh.A cross sectional observational study was undertaken in 10 villages of Sylhet Sadar, Golapganj and Kanaighat Upazila of Sylhet district in Bangladesh during September to December’2019. Total 100 mothers and their 100 under 5 children was taken for conducting the study. Purposive random sampling procedure with pretested semi structured questionnaire following interview technique was used to collect information. Collected data was coded, entered and analyzed in SPSS 20 for univariate and multivariate analysis. Out of 100 mothers, majority of participants (71%) had appropriate knowledge on water, sanitation & hygiene and one third (29%) had poor knowledge. Regarding practice, about two third (67%) participants did good practice and one third (33%) did poor practice. Almost 97% of the respondents used tube well as a source of drinking water and 68% used sanitary latrine for defecation. Concerning hand washing almost 100% respondent washed hand with soap & water after defecation of child & own self and any family business but 37% before preparing meal and 44% before feeding. Regarding homestead hygiene environment 72% was kept poultry in residence & only 28% in separate place. And concerning homestead waste management 50% & 39% respondents throw liquid & solid waste haphazardly in their homestead respectively. However 100% participants had positive attitude about water, sanitation and hygiene and believed every household should have good WASH facilities. The educational level & mother age found significant relationship with knowledge of WASH among mother having under 5 children at p<0.05 level. However, the educational level & household income also found significant relationship with practice of WASH among mothers having under 5 children at p<0.05 level. Present study shows that knowledge level of safe water, sanitation & hygiene among mothers affected by their educational & age level but practice level affected by their education & household income. So its need to spread information about the importance of proper practice of water, sanitation & hygiene in rural areas through available evidences based BCC strategies and multiple dissemination channels through IEC (information education & communication) activities towards awareness and practice of WASH among mothers having under 5 children.





How to Cite

Abdul, K. M., Hamid, S. M. A., Mohsin Ali, S. M., & Ehsanul, H. M. H. (2021). Study on Knowledge& Practice of WASH among Under 5 Children’s Mother in Rural Community of Bangladesh. International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research, 4(6).