Media in Authoritarian and Populist Times: Post Covid-19 scenario


  • Manju Bala


Populism, Authoritarianism, Democracy, Covid-19


This paper is analytical in approach and draws various conclusions from the present-day media and its functioning. Media plays critical role in strengthening of Democracy but at the same time can be impediment also if not properly managed and given enough freedom to operate. Media is also called the fourth pillar of Democracy and gives space to criticism, dissent and questioning skill to electorate against the people in power. This paper argues that media in times of populism and authoritarianism is in for a serious overhaul and change. Media is very difficult to be found independent and working in conducive environment. Populism and authoritarians stifles dissent and criticism and manages the media in order to sell its own agenda. Post Covid-19 this phenomenon has gotten worse and the pandemic has aggravated the situation.




How to Cite

Bala, M. (2021). Media in Authoritarian and Populist Times: Post Covid-19 scenario. International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research, 5(3).