Environmental Sustainability for Rural Development in India


  • Dr. Nazeerudin


Environment, Sustainability, Rural Development, Rural Natural Resources


Sustainable development is a debatable word today used in all development strategies and policy formulations.. The growth and development strategy must be people oriented, it must promote the living standard, reduce the gap between the rich and the poor and most importantly it should keep the environment intact otherwise the development is not going to sustain. The poor human life is more dependent on the environmental resources. Thus the development policy must keep strict eye on agriculture which is the mainstay of 75% people, human development and environment. In the light of the above backdrop , this paper made an attempt to examine the potential of rural development programmes to provide environmental benefits and also to Review six major schemes of rural development to understand their environmental impacts and highlight their potential to bring about incremental green benefits





How to Cite

Nazeerudin, D. (2021). Environmental Sustainability for Rural Development in India. International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research, 5(3). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijreh/article/view/3745