Explanatory elements of the deprivation of children's rights in rural areas of the Poro region in northern Côte d'Ivoire


  • Nanfouhoro Paul-Kévin Ouattara
  • Kouassi Kan Adolphe Kouadio
  • Akpassou Isabelle Aboutou


Children's rights, education, prenatal consultation, early marriage, dietary restrictions


In order to develop, any state must be able to ensure the rights of the child. Access to health, water, housing, an inclusive education system, quality food and the fight against early marriage must be its priority, among other things. Actions have been taken in this direction by the Ivorian government but shortcomings are to be noted in particular in the region of Poro where children are confronted with malnutrition, insufficient health assistance, no schooling, marriage. forced, violence, etc. The objective of this article is to know the factors that explain the deprivation of children's rights in this region. Field investigations indicate that perceptions related to Prenatal Consultations (ANC) constitute an obstacle to the health care of pregnant women. On the other hand, by applying the principle of "self-reproduction", children do not go to school. In addition, food deprivation in pregnant women, infants and children resulting from socio-cultural beliefs leads to undernourishment and vitamin deficiency in the latter. Finally, early marriage is one of the factors of failure to respect the rights of the child.




How to Cite

Ouattara, N. P.-K., Kouadio, K. K. A., & Aboutou, A. I. (2022). Explanatory elements of the deprivation of children’s rights in rural areas of the Poro region in northern Côte d’Ivoire. International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research, 5(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijreh/article/view/4533