Qi Gong as a Teaching Instrument to Reduce Academic Stress


  • Angélica Castañeda Duarte
  • Consuelo García Trejo
  • Miguel Ángel Bouchan Rodríguez


Qi gong, academic stress, stress


The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of Academic Stress (EA) in the educational spaces of students in the first semesters of the degree in Rehabilitation Human Acupuncture (AHR), which not only affects students, but also anyone who has a transaction role in the face of a stressful factor, understanding that in individuality it will generate a dependent variable between the interpretation before the stimulus or situation with the individual's resources, which in the first instance, are psychological in a process of evaluation of requirements or demands to know if that stimulus or situation is stressful, subsequently the result of the resource vs. threat variables together with the interdependencies of unpredictability, uncontrollability and constancy of stress. Objective: Intervene in the reduction of stress, as well as in the improvement of cognitive aspects through the practice of Qi gong (QG). Research Methodology: A non-experimental cross-sectional study with a comparative descriptive scope was carried out to measure and compare variables and categories of academic stress of the participants. The already validated scale of academic stressors was used ( Cabanach, Souto-Gestal and Franco (2016) . It consists of 54 items and is used in university students, the responses are Likert type of five points (1=never, 2=almost never , 3=sometimes, 4=almost always and always=5). Results: The cognitive aspects were evaluated and we obtained that the QG helps the educational and learning process, as well as the perception of work and educational dynamics. In the following graph we see how to feel that sometimes the perception of never improves and rarely what tells us that the practice of QG improves, the perception and the sensation of overload of work, this is due to the fact that it generates relaxation and better oxygenation. The cognitive aspects were evaluated and we obtained that the QG helps the educational and learning process, as well as the perception before work and the educational dynamics. As we can see in the following graph, we see how to feel that sometimes it improves the perception never and rarely what tells us that the practice of QG improves the perception and feeling of overload of work, this is because it generates relaxation and better oxygenation.




How to Cite

Duarte, A. C., Trejo, C. G., & Rodríguez, M. Ángel B. (2023). Qi Gong as a Teaching Instrument to Reduce Academic Stress. International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research, 7(4). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijreh/article/view/6506