Shoot induction using Benzyl Adenine in three accessions of patchouli plant (Pogostemon cablin Benth) from West Pasaman


  • Eliza Mayura
  • Gustian Gustian
  • Renni Mayerni


aromatherapy, cytokinin, essential oil, organogenesis, perfume


Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) is a major essential oil-producing plant in Indonesia. But its productivity is still low that influenced by low genetic quality. In West Pasaman Regency, there are three patchouli local accessions namely Situak, Rimbo Binuang, and Tombang that have potential as a genetic resource in the breeding program. In this study, the tissue culture method was used for plant propagation to produce superior seedling in a relatively short time. This study aims to determine the effective concentration of BA for in vitro callus formation and plantlet regeneration in three patchouli accessions. The method used is Random Design (CRD) with 2 factors, namely the concentration of BA (0.01 and 0.03 ppm) and plant accessions (Situak, Rimbo Binuang, and Tombang), with 6 total treatments using 5 replications. Data were analyzed statistically by the F test at a 5% significance level and followed by the DNMRT at a 5% level. The results showed that the treatment of BA 0.01 ppm in Rimbo Binuang accession produce the highest value in all variables which are live explants percentage, explants forming callus percentage, number of shoots per explant, number of total leaves, and number of leaves per shoot are 92 %, 92 %, 5.30 shoots, 28.80 leaves, and 4.20 leaves respectively. So, it concluded that the 0.01 ppm BA is an optimal concentration as a patchouli in-vitro growth inducer. The best plant accession as a genetic source in plant propagation using BA is the Rimbo Binuang accession.




How to Cite

Mayura, E., Gustian, G., & Mayerni, R. (2020). Shoot induction using Benzyl Adenine in three accessions of patchouli plant (Pogostemon cablin Benth) from West Pasaman. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 5(4).